Friday, May 1, 1998

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Friday, May 1, 1998
Volume 2, Number 130

This will be this year’s last issue of The Daily Gazette, due to the
pressures of exam time. We are currently looking for editors and writers
for next year. If you are interested, please email


The Gazette reported yesterday that the organization SUCK is working to
bring cable TV to every dorm room. The group is currently working on
bringing cable to dorm lounges, not individual rooms.


1)  Small Craft Warnings returns

2)  Campus prepares for folk, ska, indie rock invasion

3)  Upcoming movies on campus

4)  World news roundup

5)  Today’s and this weekend’s campus events


1)  Volleyball caps season at Mid-Atlantic Championship

2)  Today’s and this weekend’s contests


“Our forecast calls for flurries of passion followed by extended periods of
gettin’ it on.”
–Homer Simpson

Thank you to all of the readers who have sent in feedback over the last
year. Being weatherman has been a lot of fun, mostly because of the
comments I have received. Good luck to everyone, during finals and after.
And I hope Homer’s forecast is more accurate than mine have been. –Rafi


1)  Small Craft Warnings returns

Small Craft Warnings has completed its 1998 Spring publication, marking
the revival of Swarthmore’s oldest campus literary organization. The book,
a 120-page bound volume of poetry and fiction, features over forty
contributors from both students and faculty whose pieces survived a
discriminating selection process, according to editors.

Contributors to the book will be reading at the Distribution party on the
lawn of the Friends Meeting House at 5:30 p.m. today, Friday May 1. This
will mark the only opportunity to get a copy of the book, which is free.


2) Campus prepares for folk, ska, indie rock invasion

This Saturday, May 2, will see the return of the annual Worthstock live
music festival, according to board members of WSRN, the campus radio
station. Worthstock began as a folk music festival, and has in the past
included noted performers like Lightnin’ Hopkins. This year’s more eclectic
lineup begins at noon with the ska group Category 5, singer/songwriter
Brenda Kahn, and indie rock bands Bunny Grunt and Tullycraft, culminating
in a 5:30 set by Versus.

According to Worthstock’s organizers, WSRN board member Andy Smith ’01 and
Worth RA Andy Caffrey ’99, food and beverages will be provided. The free,
outdoor performances will be open to all.


3)  Upcoming movies on campus

JACKIE BROWN                           Friday, 5/1   7:00, 10:00   DuPont
Quentin Tarantino brings Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch to the big screen, with
former blaxploitation star Pam Grier as a flight attendant caught up in a
drug sting operation and Robert Forster as a bail bondsman.
(Crime drama, 1997, 151 minutes.)

ROCKY                                  Saturday, 5/2  7:30, 10:00   DuPont
Through a fluke, a struggling boxer gets a shot at the heavyweight champ,
Apollo Creed. Filmed in Philadelphia, it made star and scriptwriter
Sylvester Stallone’s career.
(Action/Drama, 119 minutes, 1976)

STARSHIP TROOPERS                      Friday, 5/8   7:00, 10:00   LPAC
Evil alien bugs threaten the planet, and it’s up to good-looking young
Aryans to save humanity through personal combat at tremendous odds.
Opinion is divided as to whether director Paul Verhoeven (Robocop,
Showgirls) took this film seriously or not. Based on the Robert Heinlein
(Science Fiction, 129 minutes, 1997)

GOOD WILL HUNTING                      Saturday, 5/9  7:30, 10:00   LPAC
A young janitor at MIT (Matt Damon) is actually really smart and one
special prof (Robin Williams) and one special woman (Minnie Driver) show
him how to be all he can be. Issues of class play an important role.
(Drama, 126 minutes, 1997)

BARBARELLA          Monday, 5/11   10:00      Kirby
In the year 40,000, Barbarella (Jane Fonda) is called upon by the president
of Earth to save the universe from the scientist Duran Duran (yes, this is
where the band took its name). Throughout her adventures, she manages to
lose various articles of clothing in this sci-fi sex farce.
(Science fiction, 98 minutes, 1968: Italy)


4)  World news roundup


By a vote of 80-19, the U.S. Senate voted to approve the addition of
Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic to the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization  A series of amendments were defeated, each of which would
have placed either limits on NATO expansion in the future, or would have
placed caveats on the current expansions. President Clinton and Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright have both strongly supported NATO expansion,
and the president is expected to sign the ratification. Russia has
continued to be hostile towards expansion of NATO to include countries that
were formerly members of the Warsaw Pact.


In their legally-required yearly report “Patterns of Global Terrorism,” the
U.S. State Department has once again accused Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Syria,
Sudan, Libya, and North Korea of sponsoring terrorism. The report also
found that although international terrorism has fallen this year, there has
been significant growth in terrorism aimed at business. Over a third of
terrorist acts occurred in Columbia, consisting mostly of bombings of oil
pipelines. Overall, international terrorism claimed 221 lives this past


A North Dakota man was arrested on suspicion of the murder of his daughter
three years ago, after he posted a confession on an Internet alcohol
support group. … Two are dead, and two are critically injured after the
Indianapolis area is the scene of two apparently unconnected bank robbery
attempts. … The California Bar Association has been forced to stop
receiving complaints about lawyers and disciplinary actions against them;
since Governor Pete Wilson vetoed a bill that would have required every
lawyer in the state to pay dues to them, the organization has been slipping
towards bankruptcy. … Write-in candidate “Hank, the Angry Drunken Dwarf”
is leading Leonardo DiCaprio, Gillian Anderson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and
other beauties for the top spot on People’s “50 Most Beautiful People Poll,”
with over 160,000 votes so far.


5)  Today’s and this weekend’s campus events

Friday, May 1

Senior Speak-off
LPAC cinema, 1:00 pm

Small Craft Warnings Published Poets Reading Small Craft
Lilac Garden in front of Meeting House, 5:30 pm

Senior Dance Concert
LPAC Pearson-Hall Theatre, 8:00 pm

Contra Dance
Tarble in Clothier,  8:00 pm

Saturday, May 2

Speaker: Rep. Chakkah Fattah
Bond Memorial Hall

D U House, 10 p.m.

Live music: Worthstock
Worth Courtyard, 12:00 pm

Aikido Seminar (Classes from the highest-ranking female practitioner in the US)
Field House,  10-12 p.m. and 2-4 p.m.

Play: As You Like It
Clothier “Garden of Fragrance”, 2:00 pm

Aikido Demonstration (open to anyone)
Field House, 3 p.m.

Play: The Importance of Being Earnest
Tarble in Clothier, 8:00 pm

6 Cents Improv Comedy
Mephisto’s Lounge, Willets, 9:00 pm

Sunday, May 3, 1998

Shakespeare in the Crum
Meet in Wharton courtyard, 1:00 pm

Drama: As You Like It
Clothier “Garden of Fragrance”,  2:00 pm

Poetry reading by participants in the poetry workshop
Hicks Mural Room, 7:00 pm

All Campus Sing Along, with Peter and Annie Blood Paterson of
“Rise Up Singing” Songbook
Friends Meeting House, 7:30 pm



1) Volleyball caps season at Mid-Atlantic Championship

The men’s volleyball capped off their season last weekend in the
Mid-Atlantic Championship. In the championships, the team finished its
round-robin matches against Messiah, Lehigh, and Wilkes with scores of
0-3, 0-3, and 3-0. The highlight of the tournament came when freshman
Ian Huntington stepped on the court for the first time and immediately
received a yellow card. Throughout the tournament, seniors George Matula,
Tsuyoshi Mitarai, and Paul Hsu were unstoppable on hitting and defense, and
the underclassmen Dzevad Sukilovic ’99, Imran Posner ’00, Charlie Ellis ’00,
and Tony Cho ’01 played very solidly all around. The team also had great
support from Nate Schaffran ’00, Paul Dickson ’00, Josh Tropp ’01,
and Huntington. The Garnet finishes the season with an 8-3 record, placing
12th out of 34 teams.


2) Today’s and this weekend’s contests

The men’s and women’s track and field teams compete at the Centennial
Championships at Haverford on Saturday and Sunday. The results will
determine, among other things, this year’s Hood Trophy winner; Haverford
and Swarthmore are currently tied.


Interested in reporting or writing for the Gazette? Just want to tell us
what you think? Contact the Board of Editors at

Got a news tip for us? E-mail

Want to contact our sports editors? E-mail

The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Mary Elizabeth Alvarez
Ross Bowling
Massey Burke
Fred Bush
Steve Dawson
Lorrin Nelson
Cathy Polinsky
Elizabeth Weber

Staff Writers
Josh Bess
Joseph Genereux
Aarti Iyer
Tamala Montgomery
Nathanael Stulman
Maureen Vernon

Rafi Dowty

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

To subscribe to the Gazette, free of charge, send e-mail to with the words “subscribe
daily” as the subject of your message. Use the words “unsubscribe daily” to
cancel a subscription.

Back issues are available on the World Wide Web at:

This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1998 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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