Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, January 23, 1998
Volume 2, Number 65
1) Pro-Choice Task Force celebrates 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade
2) WSRN-FM kicks off year with 91.5 hour music marathon
3) World news roundup
1) Men’s basketball loses to Muhlenberg
2) Wrestling slams Valley Forge Military College
3) Badminton loses to Albright
4) Women’s basketball results
5) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
Today: Rain all day, sometimes heavy. High around 45.
April showers bring May flowers.
Tonight: More rain, windy. Low close to 40.
January showers just suck.
Extended Weekend Forecast
Saturday: More rain. High near 45.
Sunday: Overcast, remote chance of snow. High of 40.
The world news roundup in the Jan. 22 edition of the Daily Gazette
incorrectly referred to “Palestine” as a political entity. It should have
referred to the “Palestinian authority”.
1) Pro-Choice Task Force celebrates 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Thursday was the 25th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court
judgement that legalized abortion, kicking off a weekend of celebrations
and events organized by the Pro-Choice Task Force. On Thursday, members set
up an
abortion rights information table in Parrish Parlors to talk about Roe v.
Wade’s legacy to the Swarthmore Community. Volunteers enthusiastically
proclaimed 25 years of “reproductive freedom” and handed out information to
Despite the festive mood, Task Force members fear that limits placed on
abortion availability will in effect override the Roe v. Wade victory.
“The battle’s not over yet,” said Task Force member Caitlin Kennedy ’00,
citing mandatory parental consent and waiting periods, which are routine
pre-abortion stipulations in many states. The pro-life movement’s influence
on policy makers shows no sign of abating and many states have already
imposed bans on publicly-funded abortions and abortion counseling, said
Claire Feldman-Riordan ’01.
Events commemorating Roe v. Wade will continue throughout the
weekend. The movies Citizen Ruth and If These Walls Could Talk will be
shown on Friday and Saturday night in the WRC. On Saturday night there will
be a SAC-funded party in Paces. Pro-Choice Task Force members will sell
specially designed t-shirts at all events.
Later in the semester, the Pro-Choice Task Force plans to co-sponsor a
forum on reproductive health issues with Swarthmore Students Advocating
Life and Worth Health Center, according to Task Force member Rich Vezina
2) WSRN-FM kicks off new year with 91.5 hour music marathon
WSRN-FM, the Swarthmore radio station, is in the middle of a 91.5 hour
marathon, broadcasting continuously from 10 p.m. on Wednesday the 21st
through 6:30 p.m. on Sunday the 25th. Five members of the WSRN board of
managers are camping out on Parrish Fifth, leaving the station offices only
for classes.
“The goal of the marathon is to increase listenership and to increase
interest in DJing for the radio station,” said Programming Director Jessica
Howington ’98, who added that this is the first time WSRN has had a
programming marathon. In addition to Howington, General Manager Jordan
Hay ’98, Jazz Director Kevin Schlottmann ’00, Blues Director Ian Huntington
’01, and Folk Director Daniel Littlewood ’00 make up the marathon
broadcasting team.
While there is no pre-planned music program for the marathon, members of
the Swat band Heavy Mo’ Blue Daddy are tentatively scheduled to be a part
of the marathon Friday evening at 9:30 to talk about their forthcoming CD
“Daddy-O-Capo.” A copy of the CD will be given away during the interview,
according to Schlottman.
The station broadcasts at a frequency of 91.5 on the FM band. The number
for requests is x8335 or 328-8335 for off-campus callers.
WSRN will hold an organizational meeting for students interested in hosting
a radio show this semester this Sunday, January 25, at 10 p.m. in Upper
Tarble, Howington said.
3) World news roundup
Accused Unabomber Theodore Kacyznski pleaded guilty to 13 federal charges in
connection with bombings in California and New Jersey, after a prison
psychiatrist declared him a paranoid schizophrenic, but nonetheless
competent to stand trial. Under the agreement, Kaczynski will be
sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole. A total of three
people were killed and 29 injured over an 18 year period by the Unabomb
On the first papal visit to Cuba, Pope John Paul II declared his
opposition to mandatory state schooling in Cuba, calling for the reopening
of the Catholic school system closed by the Communist government in the
1960s. The pope also strongly criticized Cuba’s policy of providing
abortions on demand during a Mass in Havana. Tens of thousands attended
the Mass, which was broadcast live on a state-run television station.
Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr issued a blanket subpoena requesting
all information pertaining to the White House intern whom President
Clinton allegedly asked to lie about an affair. … US forces in Bosnia
made their first arrest of an indicted war criminal, detaining Goran
Jelisic, a former prison camp commander charged with genocide and crimes
against humanity. … Microsoft settled part of an antitrust suit by
agreeing to license Windows 95 to computer manufacturers without
requiring that they also install Internet Explorer. … Opposing rallies
marked the 25th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision in Washington DC.
1) Men’s basketball loses to Muhlenberg
Tim Schofield ’99 scored a career-high 33 points in vain Wednesday night as
the men’s basketball team lost 80-65 to Centennial Conference foe
Muhlenberg in Allentown. Mike Schall ’99 had 12 points for the Garnet and
Greg Holtmeier ’00 added 10. The loss brings the team to 0-14 for the
season and 0-5 in the Centennial Conference. The team has lost 16
consecutive games.
2) Wrestling slams Valley Forge Military College
The men’s wrestling team defeated Valley Forge Military College 33-15
Wednesday night in a non-conference meet. Individual winners
were Frank Yeo ’01, Pete Balvanz ’98, Matt Kahn ’99 and Alejandro Montero
’00. Forfeits were awarded to Sam Picard ’01 and Sean Lewis ’00. The
men’s team is 6-8 overall.
3) Badminton loses to Albright
The Swarthmore badminton team lost to Albright at home Thursday night.
The team won both doubles matches and lost all three singles matches.
4) Women’s basketball results
Results from Thursday night’s women’s basketball game at Ursinus arrived
after our deadline and will appear in Monday’s edition of The Daily Gazette.
5) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
There are no contests scheduled for today.
Men’s basketball hosts Western Maryland at 3:00 p.m.
Women’s basketball visits Western Maryland at 2:00 p.m.
Men’s and women’s track and field host Millersville at 12:00 p.m.
Men’s and women’s swimming travel to Dickinson for a 1:00 p.m. meet.
Wrestling travels to Johns Hopkins for an 11:00 a.m. meet against Hopkins,
Muhlenberg and Gettysburg.
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Fred Bush
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Lorrin Nelson
Cathy Polinsky
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Trang Pham
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The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
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This concludes today’s report.
Copyright 1998 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.