Monday, January 26, 1998

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Monday, January 26, 1998
Volume 2, Number 66


1)  BC Treasurer begins experiments with new employee evaluation procedure

2)  World News Roundup


1)  Women’s basketball has a tough weekend

2)  Men’s and women’s track and field falls to Millersville

3)  Women’s swimming team edged out by Dickinson

4)  Wrestling performs well at Johns Hopkins

5)  Varsity Scoreboard

6)  Final frozen foote finished first by five pairs of feet

7)  Intramural Scoreboard

8)  Today’s and Tomorrow’s Events


Today:    Somewhat overcast, breezy. High around 40.
                  And watch out for those flying pigs…
Tonight:  Clouds rolling in. Low near 30.
                  After all, Denver did win the Super Bowl.
Tuesday:  Still cloudy, rain or snow possible. High of 40.


1)  BC Treasurer begins experiments with new employee evaluation procedure

In the closing weeks of last semester, all Student Activities Fund
(SAF) employees received a memo from BC Treasurer Vincent Jones ’98,
outlining his idea to “experiment with a semesterly evaluation process.”
This process was to include a self-evaluation from each employee (the two
BC Asst. Treasurers, the Chief Engineer of WSRN, the two Halcyon Editors,
the Student Council Van Coordinator, the Publications Coordinator, and
Jones himself) as well as the Treasurer’s thoughts on “how things went
this semester for the various positions.” Jones acknowledged in the memo
that he does not directly monitor daily activities, but felt that he had a
good general idea about how each employee had performed.

Charlie Mayer ’98, the Chief Engineer for WSRN, expressed very
strong views to Jones about this proposed process. Mayer felt that Jones
was overstepping his bounds as BC Treasurer. He stated that, although the
Treasurer is ultimately responsible for fiscal issues involving the SAF
employees, “the Treasurer shouldn’t attempt to make blanket policy for the
evaluation for all positions, and, furthermore, shouldn’t take it upon
himself to evaluate us anyway. He hasn’t the ability or the authority.”
Mayer likes the idea of the evaluations in general and believes that such a
process, if implemented correctly, would allow each position to “have a
better description for the generations of successors.” He added that the
problems he sees in this matter are “endemic of broader problems Jones,
Budget Committee, and Student Council have.”

Jones thinks that Mayer’s strong opposition comes from the
misconception that the evaluations “would be punitive,” and responds
“that’s not the case at all; everything is going fine.” Furthermore, the
evaluations were to be evidence for the considerations of the distribution
of bonuses, a practice that BC has occasionally employed in the past.

Upon reconsideration of the entire issue, Jones has decided to
request only a self- evaluation from each employee and will not conduct
conferences himself. Mayer has not yet decided whether he will write the


2)  World news roundup


The outcome of the game was undecided until its final seconds–good news
for advertisers, who paid 1.3 million dollars for each 30 second spot of
commercial time. The Denver win brings the AFC out of a 13 year losing
streak and marks one of the biggest underdog wins in Super Bowl history.
Green Bay, a 12 point favorite, was overpowered by Denver’s running game,
centered on MVP running back Terrell Davis. Davis recorded 157 rushing
yards and a Super Bowl record 3 touchdowns. The Broncos joined the 1981
Oakland Raiders as the only 2 wild-card teams to win the Super Bowl in NFL
history. John Elway is the oldest quarterback to win the Super Bowl at age
37. He was 12 for 22 for 122 passing yards with 1 interception. His record
is 1 and 3.


A lawyer for Monica Lewinski, the former White House aid who reputedly had
an affair with President Clinton, said that Lewinski would tell her story
to Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr in exchange for immunity from
prosecution. Since both Clinton and Lewinski have already testified that
there was no sexual relationship between them, Lewinski may claim that the
president lied under oath and pressured her to commit perjury also.
Political commentators discussed the possibility of impeachment
precedings against the president, while Clinton assembled a new legal team
and continued working on the State of the Union address.


US foreign policy advisors met Saturday to plan military and political
strategies against Iraq. … Three separate bus bombings injured dozens of
people in Punjab, a region claimed by both India and Pakistan. …
Israel’s chief rabbinate agreed that people converted to Judaism by the
Reform and Conservative denominations in Israel could be considered Jewish
for nonreligious state purposes, such as religious identification on
national identity cards. … The seventh and final NASA astronaut intended
to live on the Mir space station, Andrew Thomas, moved into the Russian
station Sunday, despite the fact that his custom-designed spacesuit is too



1) Women’s basketball has a tough weekend

The women’s basketball team traveled to Western Maryland College Saturday
afternoon for a Centennial Conference match-up. The women were defeated by
the Green Terror 63-50. The freshman backcourt tandem of Heather Marandola
’01 and Kristen English ’01 combined for 35 points. Marandola had 20 and
English chipped in 15 on 5 three-pointers. This loss follows Thursday
night’s closely contested 59-54 loss at the hands of Ursinus. The end of
the weekend brought the Garnet’s overall record to 4-8, with a 1-5 showing
in the Centennial Conference.


2)  Men’s and women’s track and field falls to Millersville

The men’s and women’s track and field squads were each defeated by visiting
Millersville College on Saturday. The visitors, an NCAA division II school
had too much depth for the men’s team, easily defeating the Garnet 89-22.
Swarthmore’s lone first place came in the last event of the day, the 3200
meter relay of Lorrin Nelson ’00, Gordon Roble ’99, Graham Lucks ’98 and
Wyndam Strodbeck ’98.

An exciting women’s meet came down to the last event and saw Millersville
edge out Swat 56-52. The women were led by double winners Desiree Peterkin
’00 in the long and triple jumps and Catherine Laine ’98 in the 55 meter
hurdles and the 200 meter dash. Other winners included shotputter Annie
Baumgartner ’01 and high jumper Stephanie Herring ’99, as well as Danielle
Wall ’98 in the 1500 and Joko Agunloye ’01 in the 3000. Both teams will
next be in action on Friday at the Wesleyan Invitational.


3)  Women’s swimming team edged out by Dickinson

The women’s swimming team had a disappointing loss 103-102 to Dickinson
on Saturday. Swarthmore took an early lead with Molly Marino ’98 winning
the 200 yd freestyle, Erica Rosenthal ’00 winning the 200 yd individual
medley, and relay team of Kristen Robertson ’98, Jenny Harvey ’99, Cathy
Polinsky ’99 and Liz Blair ’00 winning the 400 medley relay. During the
second half of the meet Robertson and Harvey won the 200 yd backstroke and
200 yd breaststroke respectively, but the freestyle events were dominated by
the Lady Red Devils. Even anchor Melissa Amir-Arjomand’s ’00 lifetime best
split in the 400 freestyle relay was not enough to hold off Dickinson.
Elizabeth Newcomb ’00 stepped up to Dickinson’s challenge and posted a
lifetime best time in the 200 yd butterfly. Sarah Marsh ’01 had a season
best in the 50 yd freestyle and Marni Schultz ’01 had a season best in the
200 individual medley. The Garnet women will face Bryn Mawr on Wednesday at

The men’s team had a decisive win against Dickinson of 139-51. The men
remain undefeated in the Centennial Conference.


4)  Wrestling performs well at Johns Hopkins

The wrestling team traveled to Johns Hopkins Saturday for a four way
Centennial Conference meet. The Garnet took out Johns Hopkins 28-24 on a
pin in the heavyweight division by Sean Lewis ’00. Other winners included
Pete Balvanz ’98, Sam Picard ’01, Ben Gaines ’01 and Alejandro Montero ’00.
The wrestlers then went on to defeat Muhlenberg 30-22 before losing to
Gettysburg 40-6. The Garnet are 8-9 overall and 2-1 in the conference.


5)  Scoreboard
Men’s Basketball:
Western Maryland 80, Swarthmore 69


6)  Final frozen foote finished first by five pairs of feet

The third and final frozen foote finished in a five way tie between Josh
Bloom ’00, Jeff Doyon ’00,Nevin Katz ’99, Marc Nierman ’01 and Wyndam
Strodtbeck ’98, each completing the course in 20:28. Gordon Roble ’99 was
second in 21:03 with Gene Yoshida ’99 in third in 21:27. Lorrin Nelson ’00
and Ambrose Dieringer ’01 tied for the fourth spot to round out the men’s
side at 21:45. In the women’s race, Shoshannah Pearlman ’98 was victorious
with a time of 22:10. Annie Bacon ’99 was second at 26:28 while Sonia
Scherr ’01, Kara Herzog ’98 and Andrea Wolfe ’99 completed the top five with
times of 27:51, 28:57 and 30:41 respectively. One race remains in the series.


7)  Intramural scoreboard

Thursday, January 22:
Indoor Soccer
        Jimmy Z’s  24/7 BBQ 4,  The Willet’s Hoodlums 3
        Joelie & the Pussycats 7,  Faculty/Staff 3
       We Have Tim 8, Mertz 5
       Parrish 10, The FUN Team 8

Saturday, January 24:
Comp Basketball
       No Code 46, The Has-Been’s 45
       Broken Language 58, winner over Amar’s Army 56
Non-Comp Basketball
       Los Lobos 64, IC Loves Bball 28
       Alumni 78, Al Roker 42
       Skinny Awkward Tools 56, B A Barakus 38
       Joelie & the Pussycats 11, Willet’s Hoodlums 2
       Mink’s Marauders 5, Jimmy Z’s 24/7 BBQ 3
       Hikers & Bikers a 2, Fuhgettaboutit 0
       Pacific Rim and the Secret Ninjas both awarded forfeit wins


8)  Today’s and tomorrow’s events

There are no contests scheduled for today.

Women’s basketball hosts Muhlenberg at 7:00 p.m.


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Mary Elizabeth Alvarez
Ross Bowling
Massey Burke
Fred Bush
Steve Dawson
Lorrin Nelson
Cathy Polinsky

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Trang Pham
Elizabeth Weber
Tamala Montgomery
Josh Bess
Nathanael Stulman

Rafi Dowty

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
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This concludes today’s report.

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