Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Tuesday, December 9, 1997
Volume 2, Number 63
1) Student Council election results
2) Students speak out about firing of football coach
3) World news roundup
1) Men’s volleyball cruises past Haverford
2) 4 by doughnut results
3) Scoreboard
4) Today’s and this weekend’s contests
Today: Cloudy, rain possible in afternoon. High of 45.
Tonight: Rain showers. Low around 40.
Wednesday: More intermittent rain likely. High near 45.
Next two weeks: Mostly crazy; periods of stress-induced coma. Love those
20-page papers in German.
Following 4-5 weeks: Excessive eating and partying followed
by a sleep deprivation-induced coma. Hi mom.
Good luck on finals. Have a great break. See you next year.
This is the last Daily Gazette of the semester. We will resume publication
in January. Have a wonderful winter break!
Studying abroad? Just because you’re leaving Swarthmore doesn’t mean you
have to stop reading the Gazette. If you’ll have a different e-mail address
next year, then unsubscribe your current address and subscribe your new
one! Follow the instructions below.
The Daily Gazette extends congratulations and best wishes to its graduating
senior, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl. In addition, The Daily Gazette wishes editors
Karen Lloyd and Kate Doty luck abroad, and Aarti Iyer luck in her new job.
1) Student Council election results
742 students voted in this semester’s Student Council elections, according
Laura Barandes ’99, up from approximately 540 voters last semester. Jared
Solomon ’01 and Mariel Acevedo-Diaz ’01 won close races for Charter Chair
and Outreach Chair, while Imran Posner ’00, Maria Rodas ’01, and Ryan
Peterson ’00 won with larger margins. Running unopposed, Bryan Burnheter
’01 was elected Treasurer, and Sandip Sukhtankar ’00 was elected to the
College Planning Committee after opponent Charity Miller ’98 withdrew from
the race.
Vote totals (winners are marked with an asterisk):
College Planning Committee (1 semester)
Charity Miller ’98 — 193
(Miller withdrew from the race during elections)
*Sandip Sukhtankar ’00 — 378
Abstain 139
College Planning Committee (1 year)
*Ryan Peterson ’00 — 292
Maureen Vernon ’01 — 170
Abstain — 232
Outreach Chair
*Mariel Acevedo-Diaz ’01 — 242
Ruth Shoemaker ’01 — 234
Abstain — 222
*Brian Burnheter ’01 — 393
Abstain 290
Appointments Chair
*Maria Rodas ’01 — 365
Paul Willenberg ’00 — 177
Abstain –182
Charter Chair
Matt Schwartz ’01 — 211
*Jared Solomon ’01 — 265
Abstain — 185
CRC Coordinator
Rodney Morris ’01 — 156
*Imran Posner ’00 — 486
Abstain — 86
2) Students speak out about departure of football coach
The resignation of football coach Karl Miran last week has provoked much
discussion among students.
Several members of this year’s football team members praised the move.
Tucker Zengerle ’00 said that Miran’s resignation will “definitely bring
some guys back who didn’t want to play for Miran.” Ford O’Connell ’99,
another member of the team, warned that a new coach is only one element of
rebuilding the team: good assistants, a “change in attitude” and large
incoming classes are also necessary.
Football fan Isaac Reed ’00 also applauded the move. “I care a lot about
the football team, and about how it does. I like to go to the games,” Reed
said. “The coach being fired shows that the administration is ready to take
seriously the idea of a good football program,” he added. Reed believes
that a stronger football team will help in “bringing the school together.”
Said Will Untereker ’00, “I would like them to do well because I know a few
guys on the team, and they work hard.”
Other students were not interested in the rebuilding of the team. “A bad
football team is part of life here, like the food at Sharples,” said Bob
Griffin ’99. Brantley Bryant ’99 said that “For about 30% of the student
body, football is very important, for 20% it isn’t really, and the rest
don’t know about it.”
Other students commented that this perceived lack of school spirit may be
detrimental to Swarthmore’s image among prospective students and alumni. J.
B. Farley ’01 said that “although a winning team is not important to me,
I’m sure it’s a draw for some people.”
O’Connell agreed: “Students think athletics demean academic experience. …
Athletics is integral to college experience. In the classroom, you can work
on something. In football you have a split second to make a decision, and
have to live with it for the rest of the game or season.”
3) World news roundup
In an apparent attempt to jumpstart stalled treaty negotiations, Vice
President Al Gore hinted that the US, the world’s largest polluter, might
become more flexible in their stance on emissions in a talk Monday at the
global warming conference in Kyoto, Japan. Until now, the US has only
agreed to reduce emissions to 1990 levels in 15 years, while the European
Union wants the US to cut emissions by 15 percent by 2010.
The U.S. has put up a “tougher, more effective, more friendly-looking” border
barrier between U.S. and Mexico . … the National Transportation Safety
Board opened a week of hearings on the TWA Flight 800 explosion, believed
to have been caused by flammable vapors in the center fuel tank.
1) Men’s volleyball cruises past Haverford
The Swarthmore men’s volleyball team handily defeated Haverford in a
scrimmage on Sunday night, 12-15, 15-2, 15-6, 15-7. After a lapse that cost
the team the first set, the Garnet hitters rallied back behind great
digging by Paul Hsu ’98, key setting by Anthony Cho ’01, and some smashing
hits and blocks by George Matula ’98 and Imran Posner ’00, said Dylan
Humphrey ’98.
2) Badminton team competes at Harcum
On Saturday, the Badminton team played in the Harcum Doubles Tournament.
Tam Doan ’98 and Jen Chen ’99 came in 3rd in the C bracket against “players
who had been playing for longer than we’ve been alive,” Chen said. In
the D bracket, freshmen Jane Ng and Siobhan Carty came in first while
juniors Ani Hsieh and Noelle Goodin came in second. Jia Shin ’99 and My
Phuong Nguyen ’98 were first, and Wendy Kemp ’99 and Xiang Lan Zhuo ’01
second in the E bracket.
3) Four by Doughnut results
Various members of the track and field and cross country teams assembled on
Sunday afternoon for the 11th annual Four by Doughnut, a race in which all
contestants must consume a doughnut and run a lap four times in a row. For
the fifth consecutive year, no runners threw up during the contest, though
many participants felt that their appetites for dinner were ruined by the
race. The Four by Doughnut is part of the Triple Crown, which also includes
the McCabe Mile and the Four by Beverage, to be held later in the year. Due
to a tragic slip up by the local Dunkin’ Donuts, this year’s Four by
Doughnut was run with an incorrect assortment of doughnuts; times for this
year’s Four by Doughnut are thus unofficial, participants said.
For the men, Wyn Strodtbeck ’98 finished first, with an incredible time of
6:34. Marc Nierman ’01, Jeff Doyan ’00 and Lorrin Nelson ’00 finished
close on his heels, crossing the line within the next ten seconds. Steve
Dawson ’00 held the lead for the first two laps, but ran into trouble when
he couldn’t fit the third doughnut into his mouth without first chewing the
other two already contained therein, according to Nelson.
Karen Lloyd ’00 won on the women’s side with a time of approximately nine
minutes. Second and third places went to Cristina Cardemil ’01 and Talia
Young ’01. Last year’s champion Danielle Wall ’98 was prevented from
competing due to injuries.
All official timekeeping stopped at about six minutes and fifty seconds due
to a decisive lack of an offical timekeeper.
4) Scoreboard
WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: Seventh place out of eight teams at Seven Sisters;
Swarthmore 69, Bryn Mawr 29.
TRACK AND FIELD: non-scoring All Comers Meet: first-place finishers were
Annie Baumgartner ’01, shotput, 36’3″ ft; Steve Dawson ’00, high jump,
6’6″; Danielle Wall ’98, 3000m, 11:17.
WOMEN’S SWIMMING: Swarthmore 62, Western Maryland 29; first-place
finishers were Erica Rosenthal ’00, 200m freestyle, 100m butterfly.
MEN’S SWIMMING: Swarthmore 55.5, Western Maryland 33.5; first-place
finishers were Brandon Walsh ’00, 200m, 100m freestyle.
WRESTLING: Swarthmore 36, SUNY Maritime 12; Swarthmore 33, Cheyney 18;
first-place finishers were Ben Gaines ’01, Alec Stall ’98, Alejandro
Montero ’00, Pete Balvanz ’98.
5) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests
No events scheduled.
Men’s Basketball travels to Lafayette for an 8 p.m. game.
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Want to contact our sports editors?
E-mail gazette-sports@student-publications.swarthmore.edu.
The Schulhofer-Wohl is dead. Long live the Schulhofer-Wohl.
The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Aarti Iyer
Karen Lloyd
Lorrin Nelson
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Staff Writers
Julie Falk
Jennifer Klein
Trang Pham
Contributing Writer
Toki Rehder
Rafi Dowty
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
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This concludes today’s report.
Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.