
Swarthmore 101

This class does not fulfill your writing requirement. An entirely non-comprehensive (and possibly entirely misguided) guide to navigating your way through Swarthmore: our favorite spots to work, study, and play as well as a glossary to get you acquainted with Swat lingo.
August 28, 2009

Screw Blues

It's that time of year. Love and awkwardness are in the air. No, not Valentine's Day, Screw! This week's column is dedicated to all of those nervous nellies out there. Get my advice here so you don't end up totally screwed (and
February 19, 2009

Critical Theory Catastrophes & Luv From Afar

Dear Duke of Swarthmore: So today in my Analysis of Queer Pacific Islander Literature of the 19th Century seminar, someone projected their conception of the self onto my self, but to me their own self signifies the other, so like, if the
February 15, 2009

Hiding in Sharples and Seeking in Paces

Looking for a shot at love in Paces (or perhaps a double shot - thanks Ikki twins)? Trying desperately to use all your meals while simultaneously avoiding someone in Sharples? Click here and make all your dreams come true!
February 4, 2009

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