Writing Center

A Space to Trust

I’d like to believe I wasn’t alone in having had some concerns about my writing abilities when I first came to Swarthmore. The class that I sat in on during Swatstruck was an upper-level philosophy course. I remember being so completely blown
February 20, 2020

Spotting Plagiarism In Swarthmore Classrooms

Swarthmore’s College Judiciary Committee (CJC), a group of deans, faculty, and students that deal with cases of academic misconduct and determine the verdict, encounters around three to six cases of academic misconduct each semester, mostly due to various forms of plagiarism. Plagiarism
December 6, 2012

New Writing Center speaking program in early stages

Within the next couple of years, Swarthmore students will likely see the addition of another acronym to the school’s distinctive lexicon. Since 2008, the Writing Center has been working on developing the Speaking Associates, or SPA program. Currently in its pilot phase,
March 22, 2012

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