
Flu Vaccine Clinics Strive to Boost Immunization

For the past four years, Swarthmore Worth Health and Wellness Center has been offering pop-up flu shot clinics around campus to make it easier for students to get the flu shot. Approximately 300 students get their flu shot each year at these
November 7, 2019

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Hits Swarthmore

An outbreak of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease has been spreading around Swarthmore’s campus since early November. Due to its contagiousness, the disease has warranted several email notifications, sent out on Nov. 18 and 19 from Swarthmore’s Health and Wellness Center, concerning
December 6, 2018

On Flu Shots

This Monday, Alice Holland sent out an email with information about flu shots. In the email, she stated that flu shots would cost students 25 dollars upfront to be paid either in cash or check, or billed to students’ accounts. Those students
September 27, 2018

Seizing the Action for My Potential

Your brain is a mesh of complication — a mess of information forming microscopic three-staged structures that fold in a specific way to create long, weaving bodies that don’t really ever touch each other but still send electrical signals that control your
September 13, 2018

Worth, peer advisors promote sexual health

Condoms at my boarding school were difficult to come by. Theoretically, one could go to the health center and ask for them, but the school handbook said that students found engaging in sexual activity on campus would be subject to disciplinary action
December 3, 2015

Citing safety concerns, deans nix long-running Crunkfest

Although Worth Courtyard houses several events throughout the relatively warm months — ranging from informal barbecues and football catches to the college’s Worthstock event — perhaps no Worth Courtyard tradition has been more controversial than Crunkfest. The public, one-day (and night), team-oriented,
April 17, 2014

In recovery, students reflect on mental health

Mental Health at Swarthmore: as a cyclical issue, it seems to come and go, much like the seasonal winds and perhaps the seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, that they bring with them (for many people, at least). However, for those who suffer
December 5, 2013

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