
Fraternities hold workshops for pledges

Both Phi Psi and Delta Upsilon fraternities have begun pledge training workshops in order to introduce new pledges to party culture and the place of fraternities at the college. The new program is designed to allot times for structured discussion between older


Anti-Sexist activist to speak at school

With the pervasiveness of discussion about sexual misconduct on campus during the past few semesters, much of the conversation has focused on the victims and the perpetrators. Few people, however, have focused on the bystanders in these situations. In his visit to


Students Seek to Combat Microaggressions

An upcoming workshop hosted by White Students Confronting Racism (WSCR) will address issues of racial microaggressions and connect individual occurrences of racism to structures of institutionalized racism, as well as to white supremacy. According to Maddie Reichman ‘13, a member of WSCR,