
Through the Woods

♫Over the Crum and through the woods/to Swarthmore College we go♫ Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew, once allegedly called Swarthmore the “Kremlin on the Crum.” Swarthmore’s Alma Mater says “Ev’ry ripple of Crum’s water/Is a greeting clear.” The Crum Woods are a
November 21, 2024

Saying Goodbye

The summer I was eleven I got a hand-me-down dress from my cousin. The dress was perfect. It was pale green with little orange flowers and it fit exactly right. It wasn’t frilly. It was simple and wonderful. Wearing it made me
April 27, 2017

Mushrooms, Mushrooms, Mushrooms!

On Saturday, January 28th, one of my more strange – yet important – dreams came true!  I taught a class called MUSHROOMS, MUSHROOMS, MUSHROOMS! at Peripeteia Weekend.  My opening slide quoted well-known Mycologist Paul Stamets. It read: “Fungi are the grand molecular
February 2, 2017

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