
COVID-19 Planning Group Announces New Outdoor Masking Policy

The increasing number of students receiving COVID-19 vaccines, coupled with the CDC’s easing of mask-wearing restrictions outdoors, raises new questions about campus COVID policies surrounding mask-wearing. In light of these updates, the College’s COVID-19 Planning Group announced new masking and visitor policies
May 8, 2021

A Note on Last Week’s Article

Last week I wrote an Opinions piece about vaccine hesitancy and the need for Swarthmore to require vaccinations for all its students. This was a short piece, written more or less off-the-cuff after seeing a news article about vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, this
April 23, 2021

Vaccinate Every Swattie. No Exceptions.

Editor’s Note: The Phoenix Editorial Board and the author of the piece have issued apologies regarding the editorial process of this article. Since the original publication of the piece, mentions of Orthodox Jews in this article have been modified to ultra-Orthodox Jews
April 16, 2021

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