There are some words in German that cannot be translated into English. Waldeinsamkeit is one of them. The Oxford German-English Dictionary tells me that it is “woodland solitude,” while another dictionary describes it as “the feeling of being alone in the woods,
Sibelan Forrester is the Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Russian at Swarthmore College. She specializes in twentieth-century Russian poetry and Russian women writers. An award-winning translator, Professor Forrester has published translations from Serbian, Croatian, and Russian. She
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the library of the college where I’m currently studying abroad ran a special event: students could email the librarian expressing their interest in having a blind date with a book. The next day, students would go to
Last Monday, Jeffrey Angles visited from Western Michigan University to give a lecture titled “Migrant Poetics: Gender and Trauma in Translation”. After a summary discussion of the constraints placed on translators, especially those who translate poetry that treats trauma, he delved into