time off

A Gap in Group Leadership

The Phoenix is a student-published paper that has been in print since 1881. In its time, it has fostered students’ passion for writing, arts, politics, and whatever else drove people to put pen to paper. It has been the proving ground for
September 9, 2021

Breaks Large and Small, a Manifesto

In this era of hard-won freedom from the inflexible, linear career paths that so chained the stonefaced baby boomers, a good friend is one who always shoots résumé padding your way. So perhaps I should have been delighted when I received two
October 5, 2017

Returning from time off, students readjust

Swarthmore’s freshman retention rate is the stuff of college-rankings legends. A whopping 96 percent of students return to the school after their freshman year, a number which, according to publications such as the US News and World Report, is “an indicator of
September 3, 2015

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