
Swarthmore Goes to War

These military elements of our heritage, though, are largely anomalies in an institution which clings to our "Quaker heritage" one hundred years after we dropped our affiliation: The year 2009 indeed marks the centennial anniversary of our secularization. Whether secular or not,
April 12, 2009


Swarthmore students are very busy. Spend more than fifteen minutes talking to any Swarthmore student, and somehow you'll get the unmistakable impression that, while he enjoys the conversation, he probably should be doing something else instead.
March 1, 2009

An Admission to Women

Our school clearly discriminates against one major demography in admission to Swarthmore. "Which demography?" you cry out. "Which minority has received the harsh penalty of a world still rife with bigotry and prejudice, the insidious influence of which pervades even the safe
February 16, 2009

A Call to Reasoned Purpose

This semester's column, rather than following in the same vein as last semester, will instead explore specific issues of our collegiate environment that are of interest to me, and hopefully, to at least some of my readers. While I hope to provide
February 2, 2009

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