
Beyond Cynicism and Idealism

What is the meaning of cynicism? In the case of artists, either a totalizing form of ineffable despair or a fully ironic attitude devoid of any meaning or true regard; in the case of philosophers and scholars, a paralyzing skepticism that allows
November 18, 2008

Mistaken Identities

What is identity politics? The exercise of a form of a political life that raises a particular constitutive aspect of one’s personal identity above the others... Shaun Kelly and Dustin Trabert suggest a new way to approach identity.
October 31, 2008

The Greenback God

"We are not hostile to [corporations]; we are merely determined that they shall be so handled as to subserve the public good. We draw the line against misconduct, not against [...]
October 10, 2008

A Case of Do or Die

Exterior. Night. A foggy airfield. Mike Bloomberg gets out of a car, followed closely by John McCain, right hand in the pocket of his trench coat. Mike Huckabee and Sarah [...]
October 6, 2008

John McCain: Got Debate?

In recent days, a number of concerned citizens belonging to an incredibly distinguished organization have petitioned Ben and Jerryís to follow the example set by a Swiss restaurant and substitute [...]
September 26, 2008

Cuckoo Clock Neutrality

In the classic film The Third Man, Holly Martins, an American writer of dime novels, goes to postwar Vienna looking for his old friend Harry Lime, who has gotten involved [...]
September 12, 2008

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