“Much Ado About Nothing” is a tragicomedy written by Shakespeare. The play revolves around the story of a romantic couple: Hero, daughter of the governor of Messina, and Claudio, a count from Florence. “Much Ado” frequently diverges into the gossipings that surrounds
I’ve been paying attention to “ASHES of Fate” since the beginning of last semester, reading biweekly newsletters made by Amanda Roessler ’24 on the production progress and occasionally hearing bits from those involved. Last weekend, this all-original musical was finally put onto
Enda Walsh’s 2004 play, The New Electric Ballroom, opened at the Hedgerow Theater earlier this month. This play follows three sisters in a small Irish town as the two older sisters, Breda (Janis Dardaris) and Clara (Marcia Saunders), recount often-told stories of
From Nov. 11-13, 2022, Astroturf carpeted the LPAC mainstage. Athletes in cleats and Dutch braids jogged in and out of the stage entrances. This year’s production ensemble show, “The Wolves,” brought the heat to Swarthmore theater. Written by Sarah DeLappe and directed