
America’s Obsession with Consuming Crime

A while ago, my boyfriend sent me an Instagram post that, in his words, reminded him of me. The screenshotted tweet read, “Imagine you get murdered, and some girl skips your episode of ‘Forensic Files’ because it’s boring”. I laughed out loud
October 27, 2022

Leaving it All to Nostalgia: iCarly Reboot Not a Total Flop

Three things I never thought I would live to see on “iCarly,” the beloved Nickelodeon sitcom that originally aired from 2007–2012: a lesbian kiss, an openly pansexual main character who pursues love interests of all genders, and a plotline about sex work.
October 28, 2021

Something About Manic Pixie Dream Girls

A basic introduction to myself: My name is Rodessa (Dessa) Caguioa and, since middle school, I’ve had a fascination with tropes. I’m talking about the clichés you see in the media such as damsels in distress, the sick person, Chekhov’s gun —
March 5, 2021

Journalism As Activism: A Talk With Photojournalist Marcio Pimenta

On Feb. 19 and 20, Marcio Pimenta, an internationally-recognized freelance photographer and journalist, held a student talk and public lecture discussing entry into the journalism profession and the activism aspect of the industry. Pimenta’s two events were sponsored by the Lang Center
February 27, 2020

Docuseries Can Teach Empathy and Understanding

I publicly sobbed while watching “When They See Us” and “Unbelievable.” Both of these shows are docuseries, television series that follow real events. I was left with a deep-seated frustration and despair towards the American justice system. These two cases are each
October 31, 2019

Crime and Intrigue: a Review of Forensic Files

I grew up around Nancy Drew, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and Sherlock Holmes. No, I have never met any of them, but I read about plenty of their adventures. I spent hours in the library picking out mystery novels, fascinated by the
April 12, 2018
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