
Admitted Students ‘Swatstruck’ by Swatlight

On April 11 and 12, Swarthmore College hosted its first round of Swatlight and Swatstruck: programs allowing admitted students to explore the college and experience its community through visiting classes, eating a meal in the dining hall, and hearing from faculty, staff
April 18, 2024

The Crum Regatta Returns (Again)

On April 22, Swarthmore students will race down Crum Creek for the first time in two years. The Crum Regatta is a close to 50-year-old Swarthmore tradition where students race down the creek in self-made boats and rafts. Teams are eligible for
April 7, 2022

Mock Trial Off to a Strong Start After Year-Long Hiatus

After a year-long hiatus, current club presidents Scout Hayashi ’22 and Veronica Yabloko ’22 [Yabloko is an arts writer for The Phoenix but was not involved in the production of this article] have revived Swarthmore’s Mock Trial Club and, last week, they
November 14, 2019

Dear Prospective Swattie: What We Want You to Know

Welcome to Swat! As you attend admitted student events, go to the activities fair, and explore campus, we at The Phoenix want to impart on you some of our insights about the College to help you in your deliberative process. Each member
April 11, 2019

The Swatstruck You Deserve

As Swarthmore students, we might forget our humble beginnings as prospective Swarthmore students. How could one forget the first time visiting, and being confronted with sprawled chalk writing on the path in front of Parrish? These feverish hieroglyphics can be a student’s
April 4, 2019

Swarthmore treats admitted students like royalty

In desperate hopes to lure admitted prospective students into matriculating to Swarthmore, the administration sent out strict orders to the students, faculty, and staff—especially the dining staff—prior to Swatstruck, instructing them to show their best performance and be on their best behavior.
April 27, 2017

What I Wish I Knew at Swarthmore

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Aah, spring.
April 26, 2017

Eight things Specs Should Know before Choosing Swat

For all its eccentricities, strengths, and flaws, I really love Swarthmore. It is a quirky, nerdy, beautiful place full of amazing people —some of whom I’ve met already, others whom I’m excited to one day meet. It’s true, Swat is not for
April 13, 2017

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