Swat History

The Great Swarthmore Presidential Hoax of 1953

Upon hearing President Smith’s recent announcement regarding her sabbatical, I was reminded of an incident that occurred in 1953 as Swarthmore was left presidentless by then-president John Nason’s announcement of his retirement. As the presidential search committee began to scour the country
September 21, 2023

This has happened before: we must remember our history

Over the last few weeks, the Swarthmore community has been inundated with student activism. Students are voicing their concerns and taking actions to make clear that they are dissatisfied with administrative policies around campus. One of the most recent student movements has
March 29, 2018

Into the Archives Column: The Beginning

If you’re researching Swat on the internet, the first sentence on the “about” page of its website reads: “Since its founding in 1864, Swarthmore College has given students the knowledge, insight, skills, and experience to become leaders for the common good.” As
September 21, 2017

Legacy of namesakes more complicated than they appear

In recent years, students at several colleges and universities across the country have petitioned for the renaming of campus buildings bearing names of racist individuals. Swarthmore itself has never been the subject of such controversies, although larger universities such as Princeton and
March 2, 2017

The BCC: a hard-earned space for everyone

It is an ordinary Sunday night in Robinson House, also known as the Black Cultural Center, on the corner of College Avenue and Cedar Lane. Overlooking Cunningham House and the rest of campus from its hilltop perch, the BCC appears quiet in
February 15, 2015

A queer history of Swarthmore

Swarthmore College is universally described as a socially liberal school, especially in regard to LGBTQ representation and support on campus. However, thirty years ago, Swarthmore was known as a place where the queer community was isolated and hidden. In true Swarthmorean tradition,
November 14, 2013

A brief history of Halloween at Swarthmore

We just had that weekend again — the weekend of last-minute Target and Goodwill runs to put together an ironic Swarthmorean Halloween costume that nobody back home would understand — in short, we’ve had the weekend of the Halloween party. This year’s
November 14, 2013

From Pholk to Psi Phi: Evolution of the ‘Dactyl

The Swarthmore pterodactyl hunt is a tradition like no other. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, is almost certainly the only place in the world where in early October, pterodactyls take over campus, and a grueling battle for freedom ensues. A whole host of other monsters
October 3, 2013

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