Solar Eclipse Gathers Hundreds at Swarthmore

On Monday, April 8, over 100 Swarthmore students, faculty, and community members gathered to watch a partial solar eclipse. Although Swarthmore was not in the path of totality for a full solar eclipse, the moon covered 88.8% of the sun, which viewers

SGO, FLI, SBC Host Plenary to Discuss SAA Proposal

On Monday, April 1, club leaders and student government representatives met at a plenary to discuss a new coalition proposal presented by the First-Generation Low-Income (FLI) Council calling for the dissolution of the Student Government Organization (SGO) and Student Budget Committee (SBC)


In Conversation with Justin Casey

Justin Casey is in their first semester as a visiting instructor of political science at Swarthmore. They currently teach Introduction to International Relations and Great Power Competition. The Phoenix spoke to Casey about their research in democratic propaganda, experience as a graduate

It’s Time for Swarthmore to Tell Us Our GPAs

Swarthmore prides itself on fostering a community of collaborative, not competitive, learning. As of this point in my sophomore year, I agree that the college has been relatively successful in creating an academic environment in which intellectual curiosity is rewarded over the

The College is Making Printing Better

There’s no question that Swarthmore is unique. If you take your time to get to know any student on campus, you’re certain to discover a treasure trove of hidden talents—a popular, yet mostly anonymous, book reviewer with a trinket-selling side business; an

Miranda Belarde-Lewis on Mixing Tradition and Modernity

On Tuesday, Feb. 6, the art history department held their annual Lee Frank Lecture in the Lang Performing Arts Center cinema. This year, Miranda Belarde-Lewis, an assistant professor of North American Indigenous Knowledge at the University of Washington’s Information School, spoke about

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