Swarthmore Borough

What’s on Your Ballot? November 5th Election

Next Tuesday, November 5, Swarthmore students registered in the state of Pennsylvania, can go to the polls to vote in local and state elections. Here’s a guide to the candidates and races. The positions are listed in the order they’ll appear on
October 31, 2019

College and borough collaborate effectively despite tensions

With a student population one-fourth the size of the town it inhabits, the college maintains a considerable presence in the town of Swarthmore. The two bodies have shared the same space for 153 years, and while there have been tensions, community members
November 2, 2017

College to be site for Verizon cell tower

This morning, the college will conduct a balloon test to examine the visual impact of a proposed cellphone tower as a part of its initiative to improve cellular service to Verizon customers both around campus and in the Swarthmore Borough. The college
March 23, 2016

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