swarthmore art

Public Art at Swarthmore

On the first Sunday of September, on a day when not even the sun wanted to shine, we (Hannah Stern Pait ’23 and Jacob Weitzner ’22) set out on what became a life-changing journey through campus. After a quick stop at Hobbs,
September 9, 2021

Skating Through the Glass Door

Over the past two years, I have embarked on a project to visually and textually document women in male-dominated industries. From the start, I had the twofold goal of celebrating women’s accomplishments and creating a platform to share and validate experiences. This
November 8, 2018

A fitting setting for a great work of art

Born in Philadelphia in 1898, Alexander Calder created elegant, playful kinetic sculptures. His work, “Back from Rio” (1959), donated by Ruth Cross to the college in 1967 and located in in the Science Center quad, is one such example. The basis of
October 2, 2014

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