31 Swarthmore students (and 16 high schoolers from Chester) were among 12,000 to attend Power Shift 2009, a youth conference setting the agenda for the environmental justice movement.
Earthlust, the environmental activist group responsible for convincing the school to obtain 40% of their electrical needs through wind power, is now pushing for 100% wind power. The group hopes to convince the Sustainability Committee to adopt their proposal.
As students have trickled back to campus over the past two weeks, many spotted a small garden growing out behind Sharples. It is an herb garden created over the past [...]
In March, the Daily Gazette reported on Earthlust’s “Tri-Co Energy Competition.” The competition, which measured energy consumption in dorms and of the campus in general ended with a win for [...]
Ben Dair '11 will be giving the presentation on climate change originally developed by Al Gore and made famous in his movie An Inconvenient Truth, today at 4:30 in the [...]
The 9th annual Lax Conference on Entrepreneurship, sponsored by Swarthmore’s Career Services and Alumni Relations, was held this past Sunday in the Science Center. This year’s event focused on “the [...]
Nemo Swift '11 and Jiuxing Xie '11 model their pieces: "Orbitians" Photos by Dianne Seo '09. See more photos“Recycled Runway” at the Kitao Gallery on Friday, March 21 gave several [...]
During February, the “Greening Swarthmore” subsection of Earthlust hosted the “Tri-Co Energy Competition” at Swarthmore. The concept, developed by Bryn Mawr students who had their own campus-wide energy competition last [...]
Two new college committees are currently in the process of being formed. One will focus provide long-term planning for sustainability at the College, while the other will focus on instituting and recommending socially responsible programs.
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