study abroad

Students Reflect, Share Advice on Study Abroad Experience

With 250 programs in 60 different countries, Swarthmore’s off-campus study program is incredibly diverse, offering students a wide array of opportunities to immerse themselves in an entirely new environment. To gain insight into this process, the Phoenix attended an off-campus study general
March 30, 2023

Coronavirus Outbreak Disrupts Study Abroad

In addition to the tangible on-campus effect of coronavirus on international students, the outbreak has also impacted students studying abroad. Students studying in countries that have experienced extensive outbreaks have been faced with making quick decisions on whether to return home and
March 5, 2020

Study Abroad and Friends

Making friends is hard, even when you’re 20 and seemingly confident enough to meet new people. I mean, the last time you were thrown into a similar situation was when you were an 18-year-old who was embarking upon an exciting new journey.
October 11, 2018

Swat Global: Perspectives from Japan

Anyone who studies abroad will tell you that it involves no shortage of misunderstandings. If they claim otherwise, they are lying to you or to themselves. I, however, am under no delusions of complete competence and will gladly inform you that I
September 13, 2018

Australian Daydreams

It’s September of 2018, and I am officially a junior at Swat. I feel a little queasy just seeing that in writing honestly. Being a junior in college always seemed like that thing my friends who are now graduates would be (I
September 13, 2018

Reflections on Coming Back Abroad

The last assignment I had in my abroad class was to practice coming up with a thoughtful and mature answer to the inevitable question: “How was your time abroad?” After having spent five months in Seoul, South Korea I thought that I
September 13, 2018
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