student profile

Profiles in Art: Yixuan “Maisie” Luo, Piecing Life Together

Above the restless heads of students waiting in long lunch lines that extend beyond the double stairs at Sharples, three paintings — “Man Eating Crispy Chicken,” “Man Eating Greasy Pizza,” and “Woman Eating Juicy Wrap” — silently loom. True to their straight-forward
September 13, 2018

Profiles in Art: Liya Harris-Harrell

Swarthmore is filled with people from many different places and backgrounds, which means a plethora of stories can be told. One artist who is telling these stories is Liya Harris-Harrell ̕ 21. They are a prospective art and chemistry double major who
February 22, 2018

September in September

In a voice as carefree as the breeze blowing by us in Kohlberg Courtyard, September Sky Porras ’20 mentions, “I come from a very leftist family.” Now this isn’t a shock, especially considering the sort of students that Swarthmore tends to attract,
September 21, 2017

Biochem research with Meghann Kasal

This week, I talked to Meghann Kasal ’17, who does research with Professor Stephen Miller in the biochemistry department. Kasal’s work centers around bacterial communication, specifically with a process called quorum sensing. In quorum sensing, bacteria produce molecules called autoinducers. The
February 18, 2016

A stroll around the Emerald Isle: Tess Wei ’17

Tess Wei ’17 is an aspiring student artist. She can always be seen walking around campus at a calm pace, with no rush or hurry.  It appears that she is constantly in search of things that are beautiful as well as soothing
September 24, 2015

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