The Famous Sophomore Slump

Ah yes, the dreaded and much talked-about Sophomore Slump. Well, folks, I’m here to tell you it’s as real a thing as you and me, and it’s affected almost every sophomore I’ve talked to right here on our beloved campus. I did

Old Micozzie Had a Barn

‘Ee eye ee eye oh’ and in that Barn he had some Swatties. To any uninitiated freshmen: on the grueling walk back from Target, as you haul along a stolen cart that will soon be lost forever in the bowels of the

ML deserves love

Two months ago, I opened mySwarthmore portal for first-year students. As an incoming first-year student, I was anxious about everything: I wasn’t sure how well I performed on my placement tests, I couldn’t figure out which classes I wanted to take, and

Bring back Paces Cafe and all that it represents

Our tagline, printed below the name of the paper on every issue and on our website, is “Swarthmore’s independent campus newspaper since 1881.” Although the specific stylings, voice, and reputation of the Phoenix change over time as Editorial Boards come and go,


A Critical Class: 2018 and the ‘New’ Swarthmore

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. The summer


Use of popular EDM drug spreads to campus

“I’ve just always been the type of person who likes to try new things,” said Elena.* “Molly was no different. It was Genderfuck, and I thought, ‘This will be cool. I’m going to have a really good time.’” After three hours of