Swat in Summary: the challenge of defining our values

One of the most admirable aspects of the final Strategic Directions document is its emphasis on core values and Swarthmore’s culture. The Strategic Plan bases its concrete recommendations on an identification of Swat’s core values in Rebecca Chopp’s words: “Our singular commitment

Matching up to comparable LACs in Planning goals

In previous columns covering the Strategic Directions plan released this winter, I have focused on the problems and weaknesses of the strategic plan, from the lack of a community center to the inclination towards boosting Swarthmore’s ranking over more substantive changes. However,


College enters summer construction planning process

Jackhammers, nail guns and saws will fill the campus soundscape this summer. Swarthmore is planning a series of construction projects that will update Worth Health Center, Parrish Hall, the Lang performing Arts Center, Hicks Hall and Papazian Hall. The projects are part