College Continues “Swarthmore Forward” Strategic Plan

This February, Swarthmore President Val Smith shared the “Swarthmore Forward” strategic plan with the campus community. The plan represents the product of a college-wide eighteen-month planning process and “underscores our steadfast belief in educating the whole student,” according to the plan’s website.

President Val Smith Welcomes Campus Input on New Strategic Plan

On Oct. 27, President Valerie Smith requested campus community feedback on the college’s current draft of its new strategic plan: Sustainable Swarthmore. Smith acknowledged that while the college has been developing the plan over the past eighteen months, Sustainable Swarthmore is still


Visioning process report released

  On Wednesday, Feb. 8, President Valerie Smith sent out an email announcing the release of the Student Experience Visioning Study Report that enumerated the conclusions of the almost year-long visioning process. Starting at the end of the Spring 2016 semester, the


College Examines its Spaces

The college is currently undergoing a strategic visioning process for physical space on campus. The process centers around analyzing the student experience to present guiding principles for how space is used on campus over the coming years. “We are really trying to

College to build outdoor social space, restrooms by Olde Club

The administration and facilities departments are working to renovate the grassy space by Olde Club and the fraternities by building a new small building with a handicap accessible restroom and a more adaptable outdoor space. The project has run into financing obstacles,


Campus Master Plan Project Requests Student Input

It does not require particularly close examination to notice that some spaces on campus are overcrowded. At the peak of lunch and dinner, navigating Sharples becomes chaotic. High housing lottery numbers can inspire nightmares. Some facilities are operating at overcapacity, and others