staff editorial - Page 2

Thank you to those who keep Swarthmore going

In the past week we’ve experienced more snow than Swarthmore has seen in the past three months. As we all began to mentally prepare ourselves for spring break, it managed to get the coldest it has been all year. Friday’s winter storm
March 8, 2018

Thank you to the Phoenix

I always crave mozzarella sticks from Essie’s at ten o’clock on Wednesday nights. I’m not sure why mozzarella sticks exactly — maybe it’s because they’re weighty, and I crave them in the hopes they’ll anchor me to the ground. Regardless, I know
April 27, 2017

Evaluating the safety of our staff in a snowstorm

The snow piles up on the ground outside, finally beginning to slow, yet its remnants promise to keep the conditions for the day dangerous and uncertain. Branches and fallen trees block pathways in the borough, and some residential areas darken as a
March 16, 2017

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative. Journalists have trouble developing stories because
February 23, 2017

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices, barring campaign spokespeople, revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative, a voice, and
February 23, 2017

Student Council marches on in its war on accountability

Several weeks ago, Student Council announced that all its meetings would take place off the record. The Phoenix was hopeful that the organization might reconsider its decision. But instead, StuCo decided to do the exact opposite. According to the Daily Gazette’s April
April 3, 2014

Students Can’t Wait for National Press

For the last several months, a great deal of justifiable outrage has been directed at Swarthmore’s administration. From calls of insufficient attention toward diversity to accusations of blatant violations of federal law, criticism has been frequent and furious. While the administration has
September 5, 2013

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