
Should We Be Kicking White People Out of Parties?

Hosted by the Swarthmore Queer Union (SQU), Swarthmore African Student Association (SASA), Swarthmore ENLACE, and the Swarthmore African-American Student Society (SASS), the party at Paces the Saturday before Thanksgiving welcomed diversity more than most. After all, typical Swat parties include an outsized
December 2, 2021

Title IX Works With Transition Team, O4S Continues Work

Just under one year ago, Organizing for Survivors released a list of policy and practice changes as demands to the college. In light of O4S’ demands, the Title IX Office, led by coordinator Bindu Jayne, updated its sexual assault harassment policies and
March 7, 2019

Students’ self-selected pronouns now on faculty rosters

As part of a new policy, students can now input their gender pronouns into MySwarthmore. Those pronouns will appear on faculty rosters, T. Shá Duncan Smith (she/her/hers), associate dean of inclusion, diversity, and community development, announced in an email in December. To
February 1, 2018

Can it still be Pride with no one to hear?

On admissions tours, Swarthmore’s tour guides often praise the plethora of extracurricular activities Swarthmore has to offer: community service organizations, club and intramural athletics, and of course, a substantial number of groups on campus dedicated to the discussion of, or identification with,
October 29, 2015

Remembering the transgender dead

The plight of the transgender community is a silenced trauma. Violence against transgender people ranges beneath the placid surface of the everyday, its presence almost entirely absent from our television screens, newsfeeds and public dialogue. Though “invisible,” crimes against transgender people continue
November 20, 2014

Coming Out Week Offers Safety, But No Imperative

“Coming Out Week,” Swarthmore’s annual celebration of queer identity, swung into action last week with a “Queernival” last Thursday outside Sharples, a SQU-hosted party at Paces Saturday night, and an OASIS-sponsored Open Mic featuring slam poet Kai Davis on Sunday night. Plenty
October 3, 2012

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