
Towards a More Caring and Emotional World

Blossoming flowers and radiant sunshine hint at the arrival of April, the month of awakening nature and the end of an academic year. Sprouts poke their heads out all around us, but so do assignments; bees fly across our path, but so
April 6, 2023

Artist of the Week Hillary Kim ’25 on Art for Its Own Sake

Hillary Kim ’25 is an applied math major. Yet, art permeates her life at Swarthmore. After attending an arts-oriented high school in California, art became Kim’s norm, a grounding and standard part of both her experience and expression. “When I got here
March 23, 2023

Student APIDA Committee Hosts Cherry Blossom Festival

The Intercultural Center hosted the college’s first-ever Cherry Blossom Festival — an event featuring live music and dance, student vendors, and food trucks — on Sunday afternoon, April 17. The festival, held in recognition of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage
April 21, 2022

After Fall Cancelation, Swat Formal Returns

Swarthmore students will be returning to the dance floor for the SGO Spring Formal, otherwise called Swat Prom, on Saturday, March 26, at 10 p.m. The decision to bring back the formal comes amid a loosening of COVID-19 restrictions, now allowing alcohol-registered
March 24, 2022

Worthstock 2022 Begins Planning Phase

It’s official: Worthstock is back. Worthstock, a beloved Swarthmore tradition, happens during the last Sunday before the finals of the spring semester in which the College hosts a band or artist that plays live music in the Worth courtyard. Usually, food, bounce
March 17, 2022

Crumb Cafe Opens for the First Time Since Spring 2020

The Crumb Cafe has been a popular late-night food stop for students over the past few years but went dormant after COVID-19 shut down Swarthmore in the Spring of 2020. This Fall, Crumb opened its doors once again. Beginning with a soft
November 4, 2021

Spring Forward: Five Fresh Tracks for the New Season

The first three months of the year have already proven 2019 to be an inspiring year for music. With new, much-anticipated releases from artists like James Blake, Kehlani, and Toro y Moi, there aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up
March 21, 2019

Power in The Philadelphia Flower Show

Throughout history, art and nature have intertwined and informed each other. Nowhere is this clearer than in the Philadelphia Flower Show’s annual celebration of all things floral, which rejoices in the coalescence of the two, both organic and cultivated. According to the
March 21, 2019

Ugh, It’s Cold

The headline says it all. We’re already three weeks into spring, the season of new beginnings, new life, a cleanse of sorts, a celebration of life, warmth, and happiness … and yet it’s still cold? Not only cold, but snowing?! In April?!?
April 12, 2018

Spring at Swarthmore

Spring is the beginning of everything. A time when we can brush off the dust from the mistakes and regrets we kept hidden all winter, and step outside and find a refreshing new take on our lives. Even here at Swarthmore, the
March 30, 2017

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