social life

Give Us Back Pre-COVID OneCard Access

Columnist Zachary Robinson ’20’s piece on Swarthmore’s COVID-19 plan last week pointed out Swarthmore’s persistent, restrictive OneCard policy that bars students from entering dorms in which they do not live and buildings that were previously accessible 24/7 like Sci and Parrish. The
November 4, 2021

Fall Formal’s Been Cancelled…What’s Next?

As Swarthmore students are settling in and getting used to their class schedules, a general buzz of both excitement and slight panic has ensued. As weekends free up, students have begun looking for ways to spend their free time. Many students were
September 23, 2021

A Gap in Group Leadership

The Phoenix is a student-published paper that has been in print since 1881. In its time, it has fostered students’ passion for writing, arts, politics, and whatever else drove people to put pen to paper. It has been the proving ground for
September 9, 2021

Swarthmore and the Post-Modern Episteme

In a recent Super Bowl advert for Pepsi, Cardi B asks us to reconsider the question “Is Pepsi Okurrr?”. “Of Course Pepsi is Okurrr” she says. The “Is Pepsi Ok?” campaign, which has also featured Steve Carell, seeks to soothe a sore
April 4, 2019

On Belonging

As students of the college, we are often privy to “imposter syndrome” — the feeling of not belonging and being an “admissions mistake.” The Orientation Play serves to preemptively combat the presence of imposter syndrome on campus, reassuring students — mainly the
February 7, 2019

Dear fellow first-years, you are not alone

Have you ever felt introducing yourself to new friends this semester is more awkward than it was last semester? Have you ever crossed list after list of activities you find unappealing? Have you ever forced yourself to remain in a club, organization,
February 15, 2018

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