Social distancing

What’s Our COVID Plan?

Two weeks ago, a large chunk of the Swarthmore student body fanned out across the country for Fall Break. We crammed into planes, trains, and buses; we hugged people we hadn’t seen for months; some of us let off steam at crowded
October 28, 2021

First Years Create Community in Isolating Times

As the creator of the @swat2024 Instagram page, Amanda Roessler ’24 aimed to connect incoming first year students with each other. She hoped to use the page to get to know as many students as possible before arriving on campus. “Due to
September 17, 2020

CAPS Goes Virtual and Partners with Talkspace

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the kinds of mental health services to which students have access this fall will differ from previous semesters. On Aug. 17, Director of the Counseling and Psychological Services Center Dr. David Ramirez sent an email to the
September 17, 2020

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