Coalition Forms to Overturn Divestment Policy

A new coalition of student organizations called “Ban the Ban” has formed to renew the effort to reverse the college’s policy on divestment. In 1991, following the college’s divestment from companies conducting business in apartheid South Africa, the Board of Managers adopted

Unequivocally Rejecting Swarthmore Hate

On Sunday March 3, SGO voted to support Students for Justice in Palestine’s resolution to “ban the ban” and to end the college’s investments in seven companies involved in the occupation of Palestine. That same day, Swarthmore Hate, an anonymous Twitter account,

SGO Hosts Discussion on BDS Resolution, Will Revote

Note: due to the targeted harassment towards individuals who have spoken about BDS, we have made certain individuals anonymous at their request. This past Sunday, a regularly scheduled Student Government Organization meeting ran nearly half an hour over its allotted time with