
“I Want You Back:” A Capella Returns to Swarthmore

On Friday, Nov. 5, a cappella returned to Swarthmore’s campus after a nearly two-year absence. Each of Swarthmore’s four a cappella groups — OffBeat, Grapevine, Mixed Company, and Sixteen Feet — performed in the event. Every semester, the a cappella performance season
November 11, 2021

Heard Through the Grapevine: Spring Concert Warms Swarthmore

“Hi everyone, thanks for coming out. We are Grapevine, Swarthmore’s most fun, most female, most fruity acapella group,” said Emily Uhlmann ’19 warmly during last Saturday’s spring Grapevine concert in an almost-filled Sci 101. The performance was replete with themes of female
May 2, 2019

Kelley Langhans performs Senior Vocal Recital

Last Saturday evening in the Lang Concert Hall, Kelley Langhans ’16 held her senior vocal recital. Langhans, a mezzo-soprano and California native, performed a variety of selections from composers including Schumann, Handel, and Hahn. The recital, which was attended by approximately 50
March 31, 2016

Community Joins with Dr. Barnwell in Song

Last Saturday, over 30 members of the Swarthmore community (including President Valerie Smith) gathered in the Lang Concert Hall to listen to and sing with former member of a capella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock, Dr. Ysaye Barnwell. Over the past
February 11, 2016

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