romance - Page 2

Embracing a new year of old flames

As of now, I am halfway done with my degree, which is crazy. Returning to Swarthmore after my second summer is a bit strange because at this point I’ve done it all before: the bad fuck, the awkward Sharples conversation, the perfect
September 3, 2015

Fire department sets love aflame for Swat alums

On a Thursday night in early September of 1994, Charles Mayer ’98 and Rachel Henighan ’97 met each other for the first time during a meeting at the Swarthmore Fire Department. Little did either of them realize that they had met their
November 20, 2014

Quaker Matchbox Dating Feature Debuts

This feature explores the experiences of participants who are paired up on dates. Participants of all kinds, are set up on dates whether romantic or platonic, albeit anonymously. For the inaugural article, two participants were party to a dinner and coffee in
February 14, 2013

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