
“The Vast of Night”: Micro Budget, not Micro Entertainment

In 2019, director Andrew Patterson broke onto the cinematic stage with his debut film “The Vast of Night”. Reminiscent of The Twilight Zone and classic television, the micro-budget film opened at a little-known film festival in Salt Lake City, Utah and has
September 30, 2021

Dani’s Thoughts: “WandaVision” Lives up to the Hype

Hello, my Phoenix-reading friends! Welcome to the first edition of “Dani’s Thoughts on TV Shows and Movies.” Every two weeks, I’ll be reviewing a show or movie that I have thoughts on (which means I could review “Avatar: The Last Airbender” next
September 30, 2021

No common grief in “Levels of Life”

In 2011, Julian Barnes won the Man Booker Prize for “The Sense of an Ending.”  It was the first novel he had published since his wife’s death. Only 150 pages long, it is an exercise in brevity and restraint. In part one,
November 21, 2013

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