
It’s Time for the College to Listen

It is not hyperbole to say that these are historic times. We are in the midst of the largest student protest movement since the Vietnam War. Institutions such as Swarthmore will be remembered for their actions in moments like these. We, therefore,

A Call for an Open Forum

It is a challenging time to be a student at Swarthmore. The campus community is facing several changes that have made student life unlike previous years. The Two Zero By Thirty-Five (20X35) initiative and other construction projects have upended the college, completely

Swarthmore Palestine Coalition Hosts Sit-In in Parrish Hall 

Posters, banners, and sleeping bags line the walls of Parrish Hall as students in support of Palestinian freedom, led by the Swarthmore Palestine Coalition (SPC), continue a now four-day sit-in. SPC — composed of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and 28

Our Protests Should Be More Thoughtful

There are few moments when it is not worth listening to someone. This should be an obvious truism, yet it feels like an increasingly contentious position. When a group of my fellow students interrupted Haverford College Professor of Political Science Barak Mendelsohn


Students Gather in Solidarity with Palestine

On Thursday, Oct. 12, over a hundred students and faculty members gathered outside Parrish Hall for a protest supporting Palestinian resistance, hosted by six student groups including Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA), and


Landscapes of Violence

Recent protest movements have highlighted the ongoing racial and environmental destruction caused by our industrialized society. The actions of supposedly Democratic governments are disgraceful and a painful reminder of our broken capitalist system. A system that has caused, and continues to cause,


C4 Students Protest Covanta Incinerator in Media

The country’s largest trash incinerator is only four miles away from Swarthmore. On March 16, Chester City residents and students in the area protested its presence once again due to health and environmental concerns. Recently, the City of Chester renewed its contract

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