
Editorial: Centering Student Feedback in the Professor Hiring Process

Perhaps one of the most critical arguments of Swarthmore’s liberal arts equation is its professors. As a small private college, the low student-to-professor ratio holistically colors students’ academic experiences and development. Thanks to this ratio, Swarthmore can offer students a collegiate journey
April 7, 2022

My First Impression

Conviction and purpose. Those two words come to my mind when I think of Swarthmore and Swatties. Their academic and non-academic interests range from math, to public policy, medicine, social justice and more. I got the impression that Swatties were less driven
September 20, 2018

In support of academic freedom

One of our community members, Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies Sa’ed Atshan, has recently come to local and national attention. In brief, Atshan had months ago been invited to give a talk at Friends’ Central School — an elite Quaker college-preparatory
February 16, 2017

When mathematical reasoning gets murky

In a recent piece for the Phoenix, “Why Mathematical Reasoning Should Be a Part of Civic Education,” Zhicheng Fan advocates expanded mathematical education as an antidote to the post-factual political climate into which the U.S. has unfortunately ventured.  The argument, in essence,
February 9, 2017

College aims to staff 5-4 change

As part of its 2012 strategic planning initiative, the college announced a transition from professors teaching a three-two course load, three courses one semester and two the other to a two-two course load, having professors teach a total of four courses over
September 15, 2016

Barry Schwartz reflects on a long, happy career

“Barry Schwartz has truly lived a good life.” This remark from the symposium honoring the esteemed psychology professor of 45 years best sums up the sentiments expressed at the event, held in late March. Schwartz’s colleagues spoke in Lang Concert Hall, exalting
April 7, 2016

Despite student pushback, Gregory King departs

Despite a letter of protest from students and his application for a tenure-track position at the college, Visiting Assistant Professor of Dance and Postdoctoral Fellow Gregory King will be leaving Swarthmore at the end of the 2015-16 academic year. King, a former
March 31, 2016

Not enough professors to go around

Over the past week, I have attended several department information sessions in preparation for the sophomore plan. More than any of the requirements, recommendations and advice on the proper way to explain a major choice to disapproving family members, what has stuck
January 30, 2014

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