
Area Coordinator Abruptly Departs Swarthmore

On Feb. 8, Director of Residential Communities Amanda Atkinson sent an email to Palmer, Pittenger, Roberts, PPR Apartments, and Mary Lyon (PPRMents) Resident Assistants (RAs) informing them that William Morrison, the Area Coordinator (AC) for PPRMents, would no longer be serving in

Pittenger Door Handle Scandal

Imagine this likely scenario. After a long day working you return to your dorm room, ready to crash onto your bed and relax after twelve consecutive hours of classes, quizzes, and homework. You walk up to the door and reach into that


A snowy winter, and some injuries to show for it

The exceptionally high amount of snow this winter has made life unusually difficult for the college’s grounds crew and has led to ice-related injuries. According to Director of Public Safety Michael Hill, there were a total of 11 reported cases of slips