policy change

Phi Psi reopens, changes policies amid concerns

On Feb. 3, Phi Psi fraternity hosted an open party for the first time since their suspension in November 2016. The fraternity’s new leadership has tightened their policies, initiated a new emergency protocol and also plans to allow student-run groups to co-host
February 15, 2018

Evaluating the safety of our staff in a snowstorm

The snow piles up on the ground outside, finally beginning to slow, yet its remnants promise to keep the conditions for the day dangerous and uncertain. Branches and fallen trees block pathways in the borough, and some residential areas darken as a
March 16, 2017

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative. Journalists have trouble developing stories because
February 23, 2017

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices, barring campaign spokespeople, revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative, a voice, and
February 23, 2017

Administration aggravates party policies

Over the course of the past two academic years, the college has taken steps to drastically change the on-campus social scene, especially with regards to student-planned events. We at the Phoenix believe that these policy changes have had a detrimental effect on
February 11, 2016

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