
Time to Open the Door for Unlimited OneCard Access

One of the most annoying sounds you can hear on Swarthmore’s campus — especially if you’re in a rush — is the “beep BEEP” of a OneCard reader as it flashes red, denying you access to a residence hall that is not
October 27, 2022

College Blind Spot: Addressing Van Driver Availability

As the Swarthmore COVID bubble continues to deflate, students, clubs, club sports, and other organizations are ramping travel back up to pre-pandemic rates. This travel is, of course, often facilitated by students who hold van driver certifications. To become certified, students must
October 6, 2022

Ethos Water: Why Americans Pay to Pee

To lambast America’s grossly inadequate public infrastructure has become so commonplace that the refrain is an all but trivial cliche in online political discourse. I do not have any expert analysis, insight, or nuance to add to this righteous indignation. However, in
September 29, 2022

The New Roommate

COVID, or as I like to call it: the bug. Most of us have had that flea bite us in the ass at some point — and I can tell you, mine itched for a while. At this point, getting bitten by
September 22, 2022
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