
Atshan, Thakkar Discuss Pacifism in Emergency Night Owls Event

On Saturday, Nov. 18, Assistant Political Science Professor Jonny Thakkar hosted a Night Owls event on pacifism with Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies Sa’ed Atshan. Night Owls is a philosophical discussion forum started at Swarthmore by Thakkar this semester. At the
November 30, 2023

Žižek Has Lost the Plot

It is Slavoj Žižek who I have to thank for much of my interest in philosophy — and perhaps most of my intellectual outputs. A chance encounter with his books “Living in the End Times” and “The Parallax View,” which I painstakingly
March 2, 2023

Notes on Phenomenology from a Freshman Perspective

The concept of college, from applications to attendance, is interlaced with the goal of identifying who you are. This is obvious from the very beginning of the college search process. “What schools will help you accomplish your goals?” “Which will offer the
September 29, 2022

Free will does not matter

Freedom is a big word in our country and all too often the notion is taken for granted. Elsewhere I have written on the need to weigh the implicit negative rights of the historically marginalized against the positive rights of those who
February 23, 2017

What do we lose when we lose intent?

Chances are, you’ve long found an answer to one of the most difficult philosophical questions. The question is a very insidious one; it shapes not only our morals, but the whole way in which we conceptualize the world. It’s the problem of
April 28, 2016

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