
Student Protests, Hunger Strike Follow Phi Psi Sit-In

[Editor’s note: This article addresses events that happened in the Spring 2019 semester after our last regular issue of The Phoenix was published. Now that the school year and our coverage has resumed, we are covering these events now because they are
September 12, 2019

College Releases External Reports, Next Steps To Follow

On August 30, 2019, Jim Terhune, dean of students, released the reports of two separate investigations that the college initiated last May in response to events last semester. One examined the fraternity documents which were reported on by The Phoenix and Voices
September 12, 2019

Title IX Works With Transition Team, O4S Continues Work

Just under one year ago, Organizing for Survivors released a list of policy and practice changes as demands to the college. In light of O4S’ demands, the Title IX Office, led by coordinator Bindu Jayne, updated its sexual assault harassment policies and
March 7, 2019

O4S Criticizes Pub-Safe External Review

More than 15 students affiliated with Organizing for Survivors shared their personal experiences and dissatisfaction with Public Safety during a public forum hosted by two consultants, Regina Lawson and Bill Lafferty, from D. Stafford & Associates this past Tuesday night. O4S felt
November 8, 2018
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