newsletter - Page 2

Swarthmore Should Have More Substance Free Housing

The college is charged with the responsibility of best accommodating the needs and well-being of 1,559 students. While the use of alcohol and drugs is often associated with college campuses, we, at The Phoenix, believe more attention and resources need to be
March 5, 2020

McCabe Paperless Artists’ Books Exhibit

You may not be expecting to walk by a rare and thought-provoking art exhibition in McCabe library on the way to study for that Econ exam next week. But the Paperless Artists’ Book Exhibit (Feb. 4 through March 15), in the atrium
February 27, 2020

Palestine Is Not a Policy Decision

In American media, the issue of the Israeli occupation of Palestine typically only appears in a limited number of contexts, namely discussions of policy/negotiations to create “peace” and American military expansion. Most recently, the so-called “Middle East Peace Plan” from the Trump
February 27, 2020

Students Form Swarthmore Queer Athletes Organization

A new student organization, Swarthmore Queer Athletes (SQA), is starting on campus. Founded by student-athletes Eléonore Moser ’20, Seneca Kinn-Gurzo ’20, and Sydney Covitz ’20, SQA will be centered around gender and sexuality in connection to athletics. SQA’s initial meeting will be
February 27, 2020

SwHeartmore: The Holiday We Get Right

For a day full of love and hearts and chocolate, Valentine’s Day provokes a surprising amount of bitterness. People tend to view Valentine’s Day as an exclusive holiday, one reserved for lovebirds who sit in a quaint café holding hands. In the
February 20, 2020

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