Mountain Justice - Page 3

Cohen, Hayes and Kalkstein must recuse themselves

In response to President Valerie Smith and Chair of the Board Tom Spock Last week, President Valerie Smith and Chair of the Board of Managers Tom Spock responded to Mountain Justice’s call for members of the Board of Managers with financial stakes
March 31, 2016

Mountain justice stage protest on steps of Parrish

Last Friday, Swarthmore Mountain Justice held a protest reiterating their demands that board members Samuel Hayes III ’57, Rhonda Cohen ’76, and Harold Kalkstein ’78 recuse themselves from future board discussions regarding divestment due to their fiscal ties to the fossil fuel
February 25, 2016

Swarthmore can align its values with honorary degree recipients

This Thursday, three Swarthmore Honorary Degree recipients, labor organizer and anti-war activist John Braxton, linguist, philosopher and political activist Noam Chomsky, and Berkeley sociology professor Arlie Hochschild called on the college to divest its endowment from fossil fuels. On Tuesday, MIT Professor
February 18, 2016

Board members obligated to recuse themselves

Today, Swarthmore Mountain Justice called on Board members Rhonda Cohen ’76, Samuel Hayes III ’57, and Harold Kalkstein ’78, to recuse themselves from future conversations on fossil fuel divestment. The Board’s decision not to divest last May was compromised by conflicts of
January 28, 2016

Board’s continued failure to divest is unacceptable

In light of the chance concurrence of Discover Swarthmore and the Board of Managers meeting, we at the Phoenix feel that the college should consider the potentially negative ways in which the Board of Managers’ decision not to divest from fossil fuels
September 24, 2015

Giving a gold star for all the wrong reasons

Last May, the Board of Managers put Swarthmore on the wrong side of history. They continued to invest in and legitimize the fossil fuel industry — an industry that actively profits from racial and economic injustice and whose fundamental business plan involves
September 24, 2015
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