Mountain Justice

Divest, with care

Sunrise has recently been advocating for a referendum on Swarthmore’s investment policy. The group has called for a vote on whether or not the college’s board should revoke the ban on investing ethically, put in place immediately after the school divested from
April 12, 2018

Sunrise pushes for new divestment referendum

Sunrise Swarthmore collected digital signatures last week in an effort to call a Student Government Organization referendum on the school’s investment in fossil fuel companies and the 1991 ban on political considerations when investing. That petition passed with 197 signatures, 29 more
April 5, 2018

Sunrise, SGO, SBC to invest surplus money into a fossil-free fund

On Friday afternoon around 12:30 p.m., the Student Government Organization, Student Budget Committee, and Sunrise Swarthmore gathered in Parrish Parlors to announce that they would be working together to invest unused money from student clubs into a fossil-free fund. This fund will
March 1, 2018

Students Lead on Divestment — When Will the Board?

Seven years ago, a group of Swarthmore students took a trip to West Virginia, where they witnessed the brutal injustice of mountaintop coal removal. Horrified in the face of the climate crisis, they decided to take action and launched the world’s first
February 20, 2018

Anti-pipeline candidates elected with help from Sunrise

Sunrise lead a successful effort to elect opponents of the Mariner East II pipeline, currently under construction, to township boards in Chester County. Four officials who won last Tuesday’s municipal elections promise they will enforce local ordinances designed to protect community members
November 16, 2017

Dear President Smith, Since the founding of Swarthmore in 1864, the college has educated students in terms of global impact and social change. From Helen Magill to Micah White, students have been encouraged to engage in community and speak out against injustice;
November 14, 2017

Mountain Justice Joins National Group Sunrise, Broadens Goals

After a busy past year, Mountain Justice is rebranding. They’ve joined Sunrise, a national “movement to stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process,” according to their website. “Last year I remember hearing about Mountain Justice just about every
September 21, 2017

The SGO Forum and the Failure to Listen

The SGO forum on divestment last Friday appears to have produced more tension than dialogue. This is largely due to Mountain Justice’s curious interpretation of the event after the fact. By their account, expressed in the op-ed “Friday’s Forum: An Exercise in
April 27, 2017

MJ to fully automate divestment protest process

In response to the recent citations of four Mountain Justice student protesters, MJ has decided to dramatically escalate their divestment campaign. In order to do so, MJ has enlisted the help of a large team of computer science and engineering students to
March 30, 2017

Not to Humiliate but to Win Over

“ Reflections on the Right to Peacefully Assemble to Protest Fossil Fuels Endowment Investment at Swarthmore College” The 1st amendment of the U.S. Constitution states the right of free people to peacefully assemble, and to petition their governing body for a redress
March 30, 2017
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