Swarthmore Owes Its Students More

It can be difficult to be a student at Swarthmore. You are constantly trying to balance school work, a social life, sleep time, and possibly a job. There is always something that might throw your precariously teetering and hard-earned balance into disarray:

$15 is a Humble Request

As you may have seen, there’s a petition for a $15 minimum wage for student workers going around campus. The petition, called “$15 For Work,” started just a couple weeks ago but has already garnered strong support from the Swarthmore community (900-plus-signatures

Swat students join Au Bon Pain protest in Philadelhia

On Thursday, November 13, at the Philadelphia International Airport, Swarthmore students and Au Bon Pain employees wore picket boards that read “Au Bon Pain PHIL does not have a union.” On the sidewalk outside of Terminal B, protesters formed a picket line

Minimum wage reform

Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller’s election-year propositions have pushed minimum wage to the forefront of economic debate in the past year. Their bill, if passed, would raise the minimum wage to $10.10 in three steps over two and a half