
Spitting First Words

When I was a baby, my parents spoon-fed me many things as I slowly grew. They fed me applesauce. They fed me rice. Foods I loved from the beginning because they looked appealing and novel to me. Then they tried introducing brussel
September 26, 2024

The Linguistics of Texting: Because Internet

Why do grandparents always text … kind of like this … with the dots … and use them to separate phrases? Why does everyone feel the need to type “lol” even when they’re not laughing? And why does a period at the
April 9, 2021

New Seed Grant Brings Translangualism to Swat

On November 7th, Professor Natalie Mera Ford, Swarthmore’s Multilingual Language Specialist and Visiting Assistant Professor in the English Department, alongside Professor Betty Litsinger, an English professor and the director of multilingual writing at Bryn Mawr, and Professor Barabra Hall, the multilingual and
December 5, 2019

Swarth Her? I Hardly Know Her

Now that I can confidently say that life at Swarthmore is not going terribly, it’s weird to imagine going back to a life outside of our little college. So two weeks ago, facing down all the homework and visiting and traveling and
November 1, 2018

The argument against the use of the term “Latinx”

As we continually search for ways to improve gender inclusivity in Spanish, we have come up with a myriad of broad language such as Latino/a and Latin@. The most recent of these solutions is the term “Latinx.” In our opinion, the use
November 19, 2015

Chomsky at Swat? Noam way!

Noam Chomsky, renowned professor of linguistics and opponent of neo-liberalism, and his daughter Aviva Chomsky, professor of Latin American studies and political activist, visited Swarthmore on Tuesday to lecture about their respective fields. The lectures were co-sponsored by various departments, but the
November 14, 2013

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