Ethnic Studies programs face obstacles

On Oct. 9, the Swarthmore Indigenous Students’ Association highlighted in their demands to the college that the school does not have an Indigenous Studies program and offers few courses in indigenous studies in general. The creation and backing of ethnic studies programs

IC celebrates 25th anniversary, hires new LGBTQ+ fellow

With a new LGBTQ+ fellow, heritage celebrations such as Pride Month and Latinx Heritage Month, and the approach of its 25th anniversary, the college’s Intercultural Center has a busy year ahead. For its anniversary, the IC has a program for each month.

Browning America: Into the alterity of mestizxs

In the colonial lexicon of Latin America during the 19th century, mestizos were perceived as subordinate iterations of the white, European self. This class in the caste system consisted of people of mixed Spanish and indigena lineage, occupying the intermediate space of

El Homenaje celebrates Latinx culture, heritage in Kitao

El Homenaje (The Tribute) lived up to its name as a celebration of Latinx culture and heritage. Held on Friday, Oct. 28th in the Kitao Art Gallery, the event featured performances and artwork by Latinx students and alumni. A collaboration between the

Phoenix moves to “Latinx”

“Hey, do we correct for ‘Latinx’?” was a question that baffled the copy editors at the Phoenix some weeks ago. The Associated Press handbook, always consulted and ready at hand, had none of its usual wisdom to offer on this particular occasion.

The argument against the use of the term “Latinx”

As we continually search for ways to improve gender inclusivity in Spanish, we have come up with a myriad of broad language such as Latino/a and Latin@. The most recent of these solutions is the term “Latinx.” In our opinion, the use