
Language Learning at Swarthmore

When I tell people that my major is German studies, I often get the follow-up question, “Are you German?” No, I am not German. I took Spanish and German in high school, and I liked German enough that I decided to continue
February 13, 2025

Browning America: Into the alterity of mestizxs

In the colonial lexicon of Latin America during the 19th century, mestizos were perceived as subordinate iterations of the white, European self. This class in the caste system consisted of people of mixed Spanish and indigena lineage, occupying the intermediate space of
February 9, 2017

Galvez giving voice to the disparate diasporic Latino

In José Galvez’s talk on Wednesday, September 24, many of the ambiguities present in the exhibit shown in McCabe’s atrium from August 26 to September 26 were clarified. The talk began with Galvez being introduced by Professor Milton Machuca-Gálvez, who was responsible
October 2, 2014

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